5 minute read
When you click the button Review these files in a notification email, you're taken straight to the Tricent app in your browser. You can also access the Tricent app at app.tricent.com - just use your Google login from work.
Basic navigation
There are three areas in Tricent: Dashboard, Files, and History.
If you are administrator or a so-called delegated administrator in Tricent, you will also see an area called Settings and one called Insights. |
In the upper part of the Dashboard area you can see how old the data in Tricent is. Tricent works by once in the while synchronizing with your organization's so-called Google Workspace - the place where your file-sharing details are kept. |
Up top, you can also choose between the drives you are cleanup responsible for. In most organizations, all employees are responsible for cleaning their own My Drive, but your administrators may have asked you to use your knowledge of an area to help clean up one or more shared drives.
The number of files up for unshare in the current cleanup cycle is indicated in red on each drive.
In the upper-right corner, you can access your personal profile.
Clicking your own name takes you to your sharing activity page where we have gathered key information about your sharing, group and drive memberships etc.
In Preferences you can pick and choose between the different notification emails that Tricent sends to you. By default, all email notifications are enabled.
Clicking Sign out will log you out of Tricent and all other tools that uses the Google login - such as Gmail.
Dashboard area
The Dashboard area contains three sections.
- A list of files (and folders) up for review
- Top five lists
- Files shared graph
Up top you find the section Review your shared files that gives you an overview of the files and any folders that you have shared - within your organization and with people outside it - that are up for unsharing in the current cleanup cycle.
Just below the list it is indicated when the files will be unshared if you don't do anything.
You can stop or extend those shares with a few clicks.
Simply tick the files in the list that you want to unshare or extend and use the buttons that appear below the list. If you just need to unshare or extend the share of one file just use the icon in that row.
When you extend the sharing of a file (or a folder), it will be extended for a set time period chosen by your organization's administrators. Once the extension period runs out, the file will once again become part of the cleanup cycle.
When you extend a file share, it disappears from the list Review your shared files, and reappears in the Files area. Here you can see when the extension will run out in the column Sharing extended until.
Top 5 lists
In the top 5 lists, you have an overview of the files that you have shared the most, the people (called users) that you have shared the most files with, and the domains (organizations) with which you have shared the most files. If you click any item on the lists, you can look into the shares and also stop the sharing.
The yellow box called Shared files metrics contains a count of your total shared files and the files that you have given people outside your organization access to via a share link. Here you can also click to stop the sharing if you want to.
Files shared graph
This graph gives you an overview of the total number of files you had shared with people outside your organization on a given day. Use the dropdown in the upper right corner to select the time period you want to explore.
Remember that if you are cleanup responsible on a shared drive, you can also see the graph of the files on that drive by using the drive selector dropdown in the upper right corner.
Files area
This is a list of all the files and folders that you have shared both with colleagues in your own organization and people outside it that are eligible for cleanup. Whether a file is eligible for cleanup depends on the settings that your administrators have chosen for the cleanup.
You can access the individual file directly by clicking the three dots and choosing Open in Google Drive.
Using the three dots on a shared folder, you can open it and see the files and subfolders it contains by clicking Go to folder.
If you have a lot of files in the list and you just want to look at, say, your shared Google Slides documents, you can click the Filters button above the list. Here you can also filter whether or not the files are extended.
And just like in the Review these files list, you can stop or extend the sharing using the icons on the right side of the list or the buttons that appear when you select one or more items in the list.
History area
This is a simple log of what has happened in the past to your shares.
You can filter the events using the dropdown Type. And if you combine that with the date interval tool, you'll find an event in no time. If you know the name of the file, you can simply use the search field.
Use the revert icon () to roll back an event.
If you are rolling back an unshare - in other words resharing it - the people that had access to it before the unshare will once again be able to access the file. Rolling back an extension will return the file to be included in the cleanup cycle if it's eligible for cleanup.
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Version 5.7.0
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