Files & folders
- See a list of all files/folders shared externally across the organization, and details on item type, item name, shares (total, trusted, external), last modified, owner(s), location (OneDrive, Teams, and/or SharePoint), and sharing type (direct access or link access).
- Filter list on ownership (any owner/no owner), shared with (any external user, anonymous link, or specific email/domain), and last modified (whenever, last month, specify).
- Column sort data on item name, shares (total, trusted or external), and last modified.
- Search in list for file/folder name.
- Hover over file name to see file/folder path.
- Click file/folder name to see sharing details on the individual item: Permission, sharing type, and permission type, search in the individual item's sharing details (names of accounts the item is shared with), toggle to show trusted shares, and unshare individual shares on the item.
- Ask owners of file(s)/folder(s) to keep sharing or not. This sends an email to the owner(s).
- Extend the sharing of file(s)/folders to a specific date. Once the date has passed, the item(s) will once again be eligible for cleanup.
- Revoke external shares on file(s)/folder(s).
- See a list of all teams with external members across the organization, and details on team name, members (total, trusted, external), files/folders (total, trusted, external), and owner(s).
- Filter list on ownership (any owner/no owner), and membership details (any members, members that are external, or member(s) with email or domain (specify)).
- Column sort data on team name, users (total, trusted or external), files/folders, and team owner(s).
- Search in list for team name.
- Click team name to see sharing details on the individual team (member name, email address, and role), toggle to show trusted members, and search in the sharing details (names).
- Revoke all external membership of team.
External users |
- See a list of all external users with access to organizational data, and details on user name (if known), email address, and access to (total, teams, files).
- Filter list on search for name or email address.
- Column sort data on user name, email address, and access to (total, teams, files).
- Search in list for user name.
- Revoke all external access for user (file/folder access and team membership).
External domains |
- See a list of all external domains with access to organizational data, and details on domain name, and access to (total, teams, files).
- Filter list through search for name or email address.
- Column sort data on domain name, and access to (total, teams, files).
- Revoke all external access for domain (file/folder access and team membership).
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