Clicking the button Take action in the notification email will take you to your Cleanup page, which lists all the externally shared files, folders and teams that you are owner of - and that are up for review in the current cleanup cycle.
By teams, we mean teams in Microsoft Teams. If you are an owner of a team, all the shared files added in there are considered yours from a Tricent cleanup perspective. If you share the ownership of a team, both you and your owner colleagues will receive cleanup emails.
Searching and sorting
If you have a lot of files, folders, or teams, you can search for a name as well as filter or sort the columns by clicking the column header or the little arrow next to it.
Trusted shares are shares within your organization or the organizations that your admins have listed as trusted. These may be companies or organizations related to your own in some way - for instance, subsidiaries or branches that use a different email domain.
Extend or stop sharing
If you want to extend the sharing of one or more items, simply tick them on the right-hand side and click Extend sharing. This will open a side panel where you can choose the amount of time you want to extend the sharing.
When you pick a specific date, you will only be able to choose one that lies within the max allowed number of days. This maximum period is indicated in parenthesis next to Max allowed.
Similarly, simply tick it and click Stop sharing if you want to unshare an item right now. Tick Yes in the side panel that opens and then Okay.
If you are not the only owner of a team or file/folder, then that other owner may unshare or extend the item before you. In that case, you will see the item grayed out in the list and the name of the colleague in the column Handled by. Hovering over the name will reveal what he/she has done with the item.
And that's pretty much all you need to know as an employee using Tricent.
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