Guides for employees
FAQ for employees
- How can I see the people I have shared the most files with?
- How does History work?
- How do I enable third-party cookies in my browser?
- How do I download a .har file for troubleshooting?
- Who can see my dashboard?
- Why am I getting emails from Tricent?
Guides for admins
- Okta as IdP (Identity Provider)
- Insights - Overview
- Insights - Export
- Insights - Shared drives
- Actions - User's My Drive cleanup
- Actions - Domain and email cleanup
FAQ for admins
- How do we add the Super Administrator role to a user?
- What makes a shared file or folder eligible for cleanup?
- How many administrators can we have?
- What are the email notification intervals?
- How do I generate reports?
- Can I look into specific sharing habits across all our organization?
Technical side of Tricent for Google Workspace
- Set up Tricent in your Google Workspace via Google Workspace Marketplace
- GWS Marketplace
- Architecture, security, requirements and onboarding on Tricent for Google Workspace
- Where Tricent for Google Workspace stores your data
- Step-by-step guide to set up Tricent in your Google Workspace
- How to test Tricent on just one Google Group
Announcements - Tricent for Google Workspace
- Okta as IdP (Identity Provider)
- Digest emails and tracking of unusual sharing behavior
- Global email notification preferences
- User profile page, notification preferences, and organizational sharing overview
- Changes to our list of subprocessors on 18 September 2023
- Better and more intuitive search